Sunday, November 27, 2011

Forwards for Support in Times of Crisis

A forward is simply a text message, usually with a picture and sometimes with music that is sent out with the request to “keep it going” or to “forward to all of your friends.” They are the same as the email forward, but most likely a little shorter. Forwards are something students are used to sending to groups and they realize the value. When you don’t have a set group and need to reach many of your students in times of crisis, a forward may be your best option, which is illustrated in the following story.

Text Talk: Stories from the Counseling Office
It was the first weekend of Christmas break when Ariel, one of the most beautiful, outgoing, friendly students in our school, was tragically hit by a car. She was taken in the flight for life helicopter to the hospital one hour from our town. As word got out, the students started texting me. In the night, during the day, in pain and full of questions. I could quickly answer with what information I had, clear up misinformation, and offer a few words of encouragement. After speaking with Ariel’s father and being aware of the true nature of her condition, that she was brain dead and that they were only keeping her alive on machines so organs could be donated, I could begin preparing the students. Two of her best friends and I prepared a “forward” type picture message with a recent picture of Ariel, her favorite song, and an announcement of the situation. When Ariel did pass, her mother prepared a similar forward with a picture, a song, and the following text:
“To all of my amazing friends
I love you all so much. I am right where I am supposed to be. I am with God. You have all meant so much to me. I don’t want you all to be sad….not for too long anyway. Thank you all for all the amazing memories, you all gave me them to…and I have taken them with me. My most favorite thing in the world to do was to laugh. So please laugh again. You are all so awesome. I am totally at peace. Take care of my mom and yourselves. I love you all…
With all my love
PS please pall along

This started the healing process right away. The remainder of the holiday was spent with all knowing that Ariel was in a better place. Text check-ins and words of comfort and support were what my students preferred from me and what they needed. When we returned to school there was not a typical “crisis” situation where the counseling office is full and there is a lot of open emotional expressions. It was with sadness, but with focus on doing what Ariel would have wanted by moving on and remembering her smile. Thanks to text messaging.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Respond to the Naysayers with these Answers to FAQs about Using Cell Phones for Learning

Listen to this article. Powered by

When it comes to using cell phones and other student devices in the classrooms a lot of questions come up.  Below are the answers to the ones that my co-author, Willyn Webb and I hear most often.

If we allow cell phones in school, how do we keep them from being a distraction?
Teachers across the globe are empowering students with the freedom to learn with their own devices. These teachers are finding that with the right strategies and building blocks in place, learners are much more engaged in connected classrooms. Building blocks include working with students to determine responsible use policies, permissions, holding one another accountable for inappropriate use, and having clear consequences in place. Teachers who collaborate with students and develop effective policies and procedures report a dramatic decrease in cell phone discipline and behavior issues. Samples of such policies and procedures can be found in Teaching Generation Text. When teachers incorporate the use of cell phones into learning, students appreciate that their teachers are trusting them and empowering them to learn with the tools of their world. As students discover how to learn with their devices, they are able to extend their learning beyond the school day and continue participating in online discussions and collaborative activities for academic purposes. This advantage encourages them to become more self-directed, motivated, and reflective about their learning, anytime, anywhere.

What about students who do not have cell phones? The digital divide exists whether or not we allow students to bring the devices they own to school. It is illogical to prohibit those students who have devices from using them in a desire to achieve a sense of equity rather than to provide devices for those who need them. When we allow all students to bring their cell phones and other devices, the students without will have even greater access to school-owned technology since they are no longer competing for access. Students can also be encouraged to share, borrow, or use the phone a family or friends. Since phones these days can be acquired at little or even no cost, schools could hold “donate your device” days and partner with a service provider to offer steep discounts to families in need.

What are some ways that cell phones can be used in a lesson?
Cell phone technologies support and enhance research-based teaching and learning strategies. An entire chapter of Teaching Generation Text shares how this can be done and offers lesson plans as examples. Cell phones provide ways to poll students, create phone casts, use Avatars for oral presentations, encourage note taking, summarizing, brainstorming, and goal setting. They also offer organizational tools and homework help while increasing communication among teachers, students, and parents. Many of the NET Standards are met through the use of cell phones as a free piece of student owned and loved technology.

Could I use cell phones to support my students’ learning even in my school where they are banned?
The first four steps in the Teaching Generation Text “Five Step Plan to Harnessing the Power of Cell Phones” involve using the devices outside of school. Cell phones support educators as professionals in our own learning and communication with colleagues, they are a valuable tool in strengthening the home-school connection with parents, and they support students in homework efforts, often taking the learning from class into their lives in a powerful way by extending collaboration, offering expert help, and making lessons doable on the go.

How do I protect my privacy if I text with students?
By setting the stage with the establishment of acceptable use policies, establishing clear boundaries, using the tools of group texting sites, and having permission forms signed, you are in a position to avoid risk and enjoy enhanced learning. Teaching Generation Text provides samples of these policies and forms as well as a workshop for staff, parents, and students for addressing boundaries, privacy, and safety which not only creates an environment for success with cell phones, but also teaches valuable life lessons for cell phone etiquette and good decision making.

Won’t they use them to cheat?
Students who are hiding their phones in a school where they are banned may use them to cheat, however, in a school where cell phones are used for learning, they will be appropriately managed. That said, there is a growing belief by educators that what we called cheating in the industrial age, we call collaboration today. If a student can access information on their phone, why should we create an artificial environment where they can’t? For those times where using cell phones would be inappropriate, putting in place the proper classroom management tools found in Teaching Generation Text solves the problem of potential inappropriate use with fair and agreed upon consequences. By embracing cell phones for learning, the cat and mouse game ceases to exist, discipline is no longer necessary, and students are well-equipped to learn in effective and appropriate ways.

Who has cell phones?According to the Center on Media and Child Health, 22 percent of young children own a cell phone (ages 6-9), 60 percent of tweens (ages 10-14), and 84 percent of teens (ages 15-18). And cell phone companies are now marketing to younger children with colorful kid-friendly phones and easy-to-use features.

According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project’s February 2010 study, Teens and Social Media, 74% of American teens have a high-speed Internet connected computer at home, but 93% of American teens say they go online. That same report states that 41% of teens whose family income is less than 30K, go online using their phones. That number drops to the twenty percent range for higher income brackets. Clearly, students are bridging the connectivity divide with portable devices like cell phones and MP3 players.

For answers to more questions as well as ideas, resources, and workshops outlining effective ways to use cell phones for learning, including research-based strategies and lessons, check out Teaching Generation Text.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5 Ways to Use Cell Phones To Combat Bullying

By Willyn Webb and Lisa Nielsen

A smart step toward empowering students in anti-bullying efforts is allowing them to have their cell phones on school grounds and encouraging them to use them against bullies. Educators can support students by sharing 5 ways they can use the tools in their pockets to deter bullying, increase their knowledge about how to deal with bullies.

1. Video
Encourage students to take videos of bullying behaviors they are experiencing or witnessing. Often a video can be taken from any angle and the words will be heard, the actions shown, and the involved individuals identified. This makes administrators more capable of addressing the behaviors directly rather than spending time interviewing and trying to determine the truth. That time can be spent working on interventions and change of behavior. This also empowers the students to collectively fight bullying by supporting each other. From across the room or the other side of the playground or parking lot, a simple cell phone video can be shot anonymously and make all the difference in the outcomes. Read about students proving that bullying was occurring though the use of video here.

2. Texting
Gain valuable information by having a cell number where students can text staff through a free group texting site such as Celly Have students put the number in their contacts during registration/orientation/first of school activities or during the anti-bullying workshop. Put the number in the handbook, on the website, and make it available to parents as well. Encourage students to text the line with information, pictures, or video whenever there is bullying or talk/actions that don’t seem right. If a student is being bullied through texting, he/she can be encouraged to forward the message to the staff text line. So much more private than a phone call, texting can be done in their pocket, under the desk, or by an observer without causing risk from awareness by the bully. Maintain the confidentiality of the report. The risk of sending a text is much less than a face-to-face report, a phone call, or a written report. It can be done in the moment or later from a safe location and no one has to know, but the staff member who receives it.

3. Pictures
Students can be empowered through their cell phone camera when they are taught to use it, not only appropriately, but in capturing evidence that will incriminate bullies. When there is bullying, aggressive behaviors, or even an unwanted presence, encourage students to use their camera to capture the moment. Just having this preventative policy in place will deter many bullying actions as the bully sees the crowd getting out their phones. Also, if a student is experiencing cyberbullying through social networking sites, he/she can take a picture of the inappropriate messages and send them to the staff text line.

4. Sound Recording
Teach students how to call Ipadio and put in the code, which could be done discretely in the pocket (if they had put it on speed dial and practiced, which could be a class or workshop activity) and then the bully is recorded to be played back later from the ipadio website as evidence.

You can eliminate the need for a code by setting up a
Google Voice number for reporting bullying. Have students put the number in their contacts during the workshop and then if bullying happens they can call the number and let it record. This goes directly to the administrators account and provides an in the moment way for students to gain evidence to be used by administrators in addressing the behavior.

5. Wiffiti
Encourage students to safely share using a daily or weekly Wiffiti. Wiffiti is a free, web-based way for anonymous texting about bullying that is happening or may happen. Just set up a Wiffiti board asking the question then provide the code to include in the text during morning announcements or to them through group texting. Students can text in anonymously to the wiffiti and report any bullying they have experienced or witnessed. By checking the wiffiti throughout the day, administrators, counselors, and staff will be fully informed regarding any bullying that needs addressed.

Keeping kids safe is of the utmost importance to parents who have long known the value of cell phones when it comes to keeping their children out of danger. These are additional ways that parents and teachers can empower young people to learn in an environment that is as safe and healthy as possible.

For more ideas, resources, and workshops outlining effective ways to use cell phones in school check out Teaching Generation Text.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Texting is Caring

Text Talk: Classroom stories (Willyn Webb, counselor)
When I first started texting, I simply mentioned to a class of students that I was concerned about expressing my feeling through text. Before I could look up from my computer screen, I had two papers on my desk illustrating the most common emoticons used for common feelings. They loved being the experts on something and proceeded to show me examples on their phones and the internet. One particular female student that was part of this interaction was often in my counseling office. This opened up a whole new means for her to express herself to me. I was all for her releasing her turmoil in texting rather than cutting herself. It is amazing what can happen when we let students lead us into their world, even just a bit. Whether it is the learning that comes from teaching or the awareness that the teacher cares enough to value what is important to them, encouraging students to incorporate their phones, teach you what they can do, and lead the way will have positive effects on your classroom climate, learning, and rapport with students. We all know the impact a setting such as this has on test scores, not to mention, making our days more fun.

With all of the free tools available through cell phones to support learning, we sometimes forget the value of a simple, individual text.  Teachers are always encouraged to increase communication with students and parents.  The most effective tool, in today's world, is a text message. According to Start Up Nation 
  • 18-29 year old consumers use text messaging more often than voice to communicate.
  • On average 94% of text messages are read.
  • 80% of consumers keep their mobile with them all day.
  • When given a choice 39% of US consumers — 76 million people — prefer text messages to radio or TV advertising.
 With proper boundaries in place, texting is an easy way to communicate with students and parents with very little time involved (less than a phone call or email). Show you care by using the communication method they prefer.   

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Teaching Generation Text Goes Global! TODAY!

Join Lisa Nielsen and Willyn Webb, authors of Teaching Generation Text, as they present two sessions at the free online Global Education Conference today!

The Texting Teacher
4:00 EST
join here

Break the Ban on Cell Phones
and Open the Door for Global Connections: A 6 Part Plan
6:00 EST
join here

Learn about all of the exciting ways you can empower students, using only the cell phone in their pocket, to take their learning to a whole new level with global connections.  

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time Line of The Cell Phones for Learning Movement

Early 1990sSchools banned all electronic devices, (pagers, beepers, cell phones) which tended to be associated with drug dealing or gangs.
Late 1990sCell phones became commonplace, smaller, and cheaper.  Text messaging became popular, especially with teens.
1999 - 2002After the Columbine High School shootings and the acts of terrorism on our country, parents wanted to be able to communicate with their children at any time.  Cell phones, parents argued, were necessary for safety, and the ban was relaxed in many schools.
As stated on the Education World website in an article on school issues in 2002, “More than a decade after many school systems and states prohibited students from carrying and using cellular phones in school, state lawmakers and administrators are rethinking their positions.  The widespread use of the devices and parents’ concerns about their children’s safety are prompting new policies that allow students use.” (Delisio, 2002).

The National School Safety and Security Services acknowledged that schools were looking into this issue and, “...some have reversed their past positions of prohibiting cell phones in schools” (2002).
Mid 2000sTechnology advanced and the industry exploded making phones no longer a luxury item.  Many school districts allowed phones, but they had to be off during the day.  Some tried to ban camera phones or ones that had text messaging.
Not just for emergencies anymore, many parents are using cell phones and text messaging daily to communicate with their children, keep track or them, and manage busy schedules. More and more, cell phones are seen in the elementary grades.   Recently out of college teachers (those who spent their own teens texting), innovative teachers, and teachers who are parents of teenagers themselves are using cell phone technologies as tools for teaching.  According to Georgia Senator Richard Marable, chairman of the education committee, “Times change,” he told Education World,  “Certainly we can protect the educational integrity of schools and still utilize this high technology” (Delisio, 2002).
Most major school districts (12 out of the 15 largest) allow phones at school. “It is the policy in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Houston, San Diego, and Dallas” according to Gotbaum, (City Council Hearing, 2006).  Articles such as “Becoming a ringleader: teaching with text messaging” and “SMS is the Top of the Class” appear (Smith, 2006, Clickpress 2006).
By 2007Across the country in schools and in families, cell phones are seen as important in learning, communication, and safety.  In Conneticut cell phones were seen as “…serious educational tools, and the results are already impressive” (Whamond, 2007).  In Nevada, “Instructors at University of Las Vegas are now using text messaging as a tool to teach students” (Sheneman, 2007).  In Pennsylvania, “Penn State uses text messaging to communicate with students (Glazer, 2007). In  Tennessee, administrators handed out phones (up to 50 ) to a student advisory council  made up of average students with leadership qualities so that they could communicate with principals in order to keep the school safe (Pytel, 2007). Cingular Wireless released a survey indicating that “63% of parents who use text messaging believe it improves their communication with their children” (McCarthy, 2007).
By 2008Brooklyn schools doled out 2,500 cell phones to students (Medina, 2008).
International Society for Technology in Education published the book Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell phones to Education (Kolb, 2008).
"According to a Nielson Mobile Survey, more American cell phone users are using text messages than using cell phones to make calls” (Reardon, 2008)
Many colleges were utilizing cell phone technologies in educational practices.  Individual teachers were incorporating them into their classrooms and lesson plans across the country.
By 2009Changes in school policy begin again. “The Collier County School Board recently voted to change the student code of conduct regarding cell phones and, in the process, expanded the code to allow schools to petition to allow students to use their phones in the classroom—to some extent” (Albers, 2009). “Florida schools allow cell phones to be used in class” (Solochek, 2009).  “Suzette Kliewer, the teacher who administered the Digital Millennial program at Southwest High School in Jacksonville, N.C., said the phones excited her students and made them collaborate and focus on their studies, even outside of school hours. ‘They took average-level kids and made them into honors-level kids’” (Richtel & Stone, 2009).  In Charlotte, North Carolina, it wasstated in the Charlotte Observer, “…some teachers in Charlotte are seeking to harness [texting’s] power.  Researchers back this approach with new evidence that texting teaches some positive language skills, and pragmatists argue that a war on texting is unwinnable.” (Elder, 2009).  According to a Times Daily article, “The Lauderdale County school board changed its policy on student cell phone usage this year to allow students the freedom to not only have them at school, but to use them at specified times during the day.”  This policy change reportedly reduced cell phone violations by 85% and according to Superintendent Billy Valentine, “‘It's working so far” because ‘It’s not practical to eliminate cell phones altogether.’ A principal in the district says he’s seen a renewed sense of responsibility from his student body since the new policy went into effect” (Singleton-Rickman, 2009).Text messaging for teaching is a hot topic at many educational conferences.
by 2010 Cell phones and the technologies they provide for educational enhancements, especially text messaging, will be so obvious that school policy allowing them within classrooms and for educational purposes will begin to be adopted throughout the country.  Gartner Inc, a Connecticut-based technology research and advisory firm, predicts that by 2010, 70 percent of residents in developed nations will spend 10 times longer per day interacting with people in the e-world than the physical one. (Dunewind, 2003).  Additionally, “The only difference now between smartphones and laptops, they say, is that cellphones are smaller, cheaper, and more coveted by students”  (Richtel & Stone, 2009).   As cell phone technologies continue to improve, become more available, and have more computer connections, their use as educational tools will continue to grow.

"But with cell phones tucked in the book bags and pockets of three-fourths of today's teens, many high schools are ceding defeat in the battle to keep hand-held technology out of class and instead are inviting students to use their phones for learning" (Malone & Black, 2010)
and beyondMore than half of the world’s population now owns a cell phone and children under 12 constitute one of the fastest growing segments of mobile technology users in the U.S.  according to the The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop (Shuler, 2009)

10 Talking Points for Texting (let's lift the bans on cell phones)

By opening up conversations with the powers that be, you will begin the process necessary to eventually lift bans on cell phones, create acceptable use agreements, and change school policy. 

Use this  "10 Talking Points Worksheet" designed to be customized for your particular situation.  If you are talking with (or happen to be) your building principal, your district administration, your school board, a policy review committee, or any combination of these; you will want to be prepared.  By taking the time to insert data from your school or district that will support the main points for cell phone use, you will present a convincing case.   Even if you do not have the time to compile the data or copy the suggested handouts, the points are still valuable to go forward and start the discussion.  

Ten Talking Points to Lift The Ban and Begin Using Cell Phones for Learning
  1. Harness the power of the tools already in student's pockets

The ubiquitous use of cell phones by our students illustrates the reason why we should allow cell phones, with an acceptable use agreement, and utilize the tools available on them for learning purposes inside and outside the classroom. Students are motivated to use them! The majority of our secondary students are sitting in classrooms with cell phones in their pockets regardless of the ban.  Integrating cell phones is a student desired educational enhancement, making it very likely to be successful due to the bottom-up approach.
[Insert your school's teacher/student/parent cell phone survey results here.  Example survey forms for students, teachers, and parents are included in the special materials section of this chapter.]
  1. Cell phones have educational capabilities built in

Cell phones have many educational capabilities: Calculator, Clock, Calendar, Picture/Video, Stop Watch, Text Messaging for Communication/writing, Internet, Polling... Cell phones are used to support and enhance current research-based instructional strategies. 
[Insert examples from this book that you personally feel will be valuable for the students in your classroom, school, and/or district.]
  1. Save money for your school

Using student cell phone capabilities as educational tools is FREE, no hardware or software purchases required.
[Insert your school’s/district’s technology budget from previous years and projections/cuts, which cell phones do not require.
  1. Little to no learning curve

Most educators already own and are familiar with cell phone technologies, thus integration would not require a large amount of time consuming and costly training. All it would take is an open mind. Students can teach educators how the tools can be used for learning.
[Insert your school's/district's training, inservice, workshop expenditures from previous years and projections/cuts, which cell phone use will not require.]
  1. Decrease discipline issues

Utilizing cell phones for educational purposes should reduce phone-related discipline issues. Working with students to establish appropriate and inappropriate uses is useful in developing proper etiquette for use both at school and in the community. It teaches self control, boundaries, and compliance.
[Insert your school’s statistics on referrals, detentions, etc. from cell phones, which can be reduced through acceptance of use and establishment of protocols.]
  1. Reduce cheating with cell phones

With acceptance of cell phones in classrooms and established policies and protocols in place, students will know what is acceptable. During assessment students and teachers will have established if cell phones should be out on their desks, under their desk, collected in a basket, or, just maybe, used as part of assessment. Consideration: If the answer is already available in a student's pocket, on demand, are we really assessing what is relevant in the 21st century?
[Provide a sample of classroom procedures addressing cell phones during testing such as the example feature in the special materials of Chapter 6]
  1. Cell phones can be used to support research-based strategies

Cell phones can support research-based educational strategies while engaging learners and enhancing instruction.  As we shared in Chapter 3 of this book, there are numerous research-based instructional strategies that can be enhanced with the use of cell phones.
[Provide some examples from Chapter 3 of this book.]
  1. Help your school go green with the tools students already own

Cell phones and text message communication are environmentally friendly and fit the trend of many schools to decrease paper.  There are even a few schools across the nation that have become paperless (add reference).
[Insert your school's/district's paper/copy machine budget from previous years and projections/cuts, which can be positively affected by cell phone use.]
  1. Establish a positive educational environment

An acceptable use agreement developed with the educators and students and shared with the school community can help establish a positive educational climate.
[Provide a sample agreement like the ones in Chapter 4.]
  1. Many educators are already having success with cell phones in their classrooms

Use some of the examples given throughout this blog and in "Teaching Generation Text" of teachers who are having success with cell phones in the classroom.   
[Tell a few of your own touching or motivating success stories. Use the results of your pilot program here!] 

Practice language skills on the phone... ya think?

Google Voice becomes a repository for oral reports, assignments, or sound bites. Not only is it a repository, but teachers can write notes on each clip, share, and post them. This is obviously an effective tool for auditory learners and a way to practice language skills--ESL and foreign language teachers listen up! In any language arts class, so often, there is not enough class time for oral reports, but now it can happen individually.
Ideas for Using Google Voice with Students
1) Have students do their oral reports using Google Voice. If they don't like how they sounded the first time, they don't have to send the message. They can re-record until they have something with which they are happy.
2) Use as an assessment tool to easily capture student's reading level. Not only to have you have a recording, you have a transcript too and a place to keep notes. Rather than talk to a parent about how a student has progressed across a year, let them listen to it their child themselves.
3) Have students share something interesting about themselves and post the recordings on a class page or in a blog where other students can listen or comment.

Text Talk Classroom Stories: Katy Taylor
At Holmdel High School in New Jersey, students in Spanish teacher Katy Taylor’s class practice their language skills on the phone. On their own time, students call her Google Voice number and  read something in Spanish or create a dialogue which is sent to her Google Voice account.  The kids respond really well to it and instead of taking up class time, they dial in to her phone number, and then she can go online to hear what they've done.  She listens to their recordings and e-mails them feedback. Many students are afraid to make mistakes in front of their peers. When they receive a recording assignment, they're more apt to take risks because they have some privacy.
The end result is students are speaking more and getting feedback.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Emoticons Enhance Expression :)

Some critics of text messaging feel it is ineffective communication because it is void of emotion, lacking the message enhancements that tone of voice and nonverbal expression provide. Maybe those critics never received a love note. Yes, text messages are short, quick, and full of abbreviations. However, the back and forth nature of texting more closely resembles conversation than a note or letter. As we have seen, it is a combination of two forms of communication which has proven very appealing to teens and tweens. In addition to needing to find the right word to convey emotions A whole new means of communicating feelings and emotions has developed for use with texting called emoticons. Emoticons are symbols used to represent feelings. The use of emoticons in text messages makes them very effective in expressing the feelings that go with the words. In The Seattle Times David Silver, a University of Washington professor of communication who studies new media is quoted, “The beauty of language is that it’s infinitely morphable. The use of emoticons is amazing as a way of transmitting spoken language’s social nuances” (Dunnewind, 2003)

Of course, the nonverbals, which communicate much of the emotional content of a message, are not available in a text message. They have not been in e-mail, written letters, telegraph, or smoke signals either. Perhaps this condition encourages more expressive writing, better communication than a phone call or a face to face conversation, which can at times be too full of emotion. Rather than trying to read nonverbals, gain insight through tone of voice, or decipher feelings, in a text message we can use or see the feeling associated with the message through the use of an emoticon. There are websites that offer a glossary for emoticons. For example, at you can type in the emotion and search for the emoticon. This, however, can be a little time consuming, yet fun. There are shortcuts for emoticons for all of the major instant messaging and email sites, and most are also usable with cell phones. Many cell phones now come equipped with symbolic expressions such as various smileys. You may want to search around on your phone or ask your students to show you what is on their phones. You will find that any feeling necessary can be expressed in a text message, possibly more clearly than simple body cues, facial expressions, or tone of voice.

Text Talk: Classroom Stories
I've learned to pay attention to emoticons in students' messages. I had texted a girl I was concerned about when she was absent for four days in a row. She texted back: "fine :(" So I asked her why fine with the frown. She said she hadn't wanted to bother me, but she had found out she had cancer. Many times the emoticon offers enlightening information that can be addressed to fully support students.

EmoticonEmotion EmoticonEmotion EmoticonEmotion
X-( Angry
:-> Grin
)-: Left-handed Sad Face
Broken Heart
=) or :-) Happy
(-: Left-handed Smiley Face
O.o or :-S Confused
<3 Heart or Love
=/ Mad
B-) Cool
{ } Hug
^_^ Overjoyed
:_( or :'( Crying
:-| Indifferent
:-/ Perplexed
*-* Dazed
X-p Joking
=( or :-( Sad
:-( or :( Frown
=D Laughing Out Loud
:-P Sticking tongue out